Veritas Corporate Lands Major Contract
YORKSHIRE based Veritas Workwear has landed two major contracts worth in excess of £200,000 to supply uniforms to the facilities management and events industries.
The deals for regular ongoing uniforms will help push the fast growing Barnsley based operation closer to its £1million target for 2019.
One of the deals will see Veritas provide uniforms to a hospitality business which has lucrative contracts at major sporting stadia including Premier League football grounds.
The second is an extension to a workwear contract it currently has with City Facilities to supply uniforms for Asda cleaners and maintenance workers. It will see Veritas provide workwear to a second high street retailer for all its facilities management staff.
Veritas Workwear won the deal for uniforms to Event Catering, a Midlands based company which provides staff for corporate, sports and leisure events at high profile locations around the UK as a result of its reputation of reliability, consistency and affordability in the facilities management and hospitality sectors. If successful, Veritas will be given more locations currently serviced by Event Catering.
Mike Hegarty is a director for Veritas Workwear. He said: “We have been providing uniforms for City Facilities for some time and this additional work is an endorsement of our reliability, attention to detail and ability to respond quickly.“Workwear is assuming greater corporate value as a tool to grow employee engagement and loyalty, security and health and safety. But providing uniforms across multiple sites can be logistically complex and costly. Veritas Workwear’s strength is providing high quality, uniformly branded workwear quickly and when and where it is needed leaving City Facilities to focus on their core service.
“Event Catering is a major provider of staff for sports and corporate events and will enable us to grow and diversify our business,” he added. “They currently have contracts at world famous football stadia and with leading businesses we hope this contract will give us the exposure we want to grow our business further.”